Sunday, June 04, 2006

Enveloping Arms

I have been meaning to write about this for a long time. Everytime this restlessness, this feeling of wanting hits me, I am reminded of the issue. I think of addressing it but before I pen it down, the feeling disappears and so does the need to talk about it.

So what am I referring to? Nothing earth shattering. And yet something very important especially in the life of people, who are generally pillars of support. These people, because they are who they are, somehow induce great faith in those around them. People lean on them, depend on them, expect them to be around to hear about their troubles when things are not going according to their liking, expect to hear words of wisdom or at least sympathy from them. And they do provide this support – mostly unconditionally. They are great mentors. They make themselves available as friend, sounding board, teacher and in many other roles.

But what happens when, once in a while, they feel tired? When they want to just rest; perhaps lean on someone? When they just need a moment in which they don’t have to be the strong one. When all they want is someone who doesn’t expect them to be strong; someone who can accept them as the needy one and extend them the same support that they normally give to others. The very idea of being able to rest is so wonderful; the feeling of being taken care of - just for one moment…not more than that is actually required; its just a moment of regrouping the energies.

Do they find such a support? Naah. Very unlikely! And if they are lucky enough to identify someone who can give them this kind of support, they are reluctant to ask. They are reluctant to ask because they feel that shouldn’t lean on such people who already are pillar of support to many.

And thats when the loneliness makes its presence felt. It's not a constant, it just shows its face once in a while but     i t s    a    v e r y    h o l l o w    f e e l i n g.
A sort of restlessness pervades one's being. It does not let one relax or connect to their work or people who are normally part of their life. And thats when one searches for ways to fill this space. Some take to having an affair or several affairs, some to induced high/oblivion, some go for dangerous sports or sports that thrill. In fact anything to escape the hollow feeling ...


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