Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Insomnia was an english word
and then I signed a courier receipt.
It was cancelled cheque
for reception hall.

Sunday, March 02, 2008


Isn’t it difficult to say what life will bring on?

And would you say, it is impossible

to know what it will take away?

As I watch this breath, going in and out -


I wonder will it stop now?

This moment?

This very moment?

And I wonder

will I even struggle against it?

Silence program

For that one moment of stillness
I watch to catch every breath
dissolving in relentless thoughts

For that one moment of stillness
I break closest bonds, in regret
hoping never to look back

For that one moment of stillness
I wait impatiently for mind to bow
to a litany of instructions

For that one moment of stillness
I know I will return, unbidden
to this life threatening chaos

For that one moment of stillness
I willingly will walk across
barriers invisible

For that one moment of stillness
I have come to you,
because I cannot live anymore