Sunday, November 25, 2012


Some things are so true and alive within that your thoughts, conditioning, societal attitude cannot hide them from your consciousness. These things, sometimes wrapped and packed away at your insistence, come out in open to tell you that it is ok to accept them as they are. 

They do not need your judgement or demand any action. They just stay untainted by anything - clean, crisp, shiny, noble.

It feels good to know this and accept it.

There is no struggle now.

Nor are there any questions about it either.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Warlord of Israel

One millimeter at a time
blood spreads
on the floor
on shirts, on streets, on humanity
mingling with laughter, 
joy of victory
satisfaction at killings.

of my own death.


Every one makes mistakes. Fewer people repeat mistakes which have been pointed out. But if you have repeated a mistake or know that you have made a mistake which has hurt someone and you don’t apologies for it, then don’t expect life to treat you kindly.

Apology cannot rectify the mistake but it gives a chance to convey your caring for the person who may or may not be a friend. It gives a chance to the person who has been hurt to speak about the pain and let it go. It speaks about your character as a human being. If you ignore the incident and hope that it will blow over, all it conveys your cowardliness.

Perhaps people will move from the incident. Hopefully you too would have moved on from the incident but life remembers and teaches you lessons which are harsher than the discomfort you would have felt if you had just faced up to your mistake.