Tuesday, January 24, 2006


without a thought
she picked up a pen
to sketch the secrets
of her heart

the surprised heart
asked diffidently
"are you sure you want to
sing my song?"

the question posed
mirrored the reflection -
she had lost

her heart's trust
and blind was she

to the truth
as fear held her
close in his arms

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Guru speak

       Seeking answers
   I knocked at your door
Your reply : "Who are you?"

Saturday, January 21, 2006

First Kiss

the touch
the intent
Bent head, touch of lips.
But there was no sleight of hand!

(written on 13th July, 2005)

Friday, January 20, 2006


Open your palm
Lines of the hand demand
A glowing star

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Safely ensconced,
She threw a challange
Pay me back in the coin received…

I took some fears
       Those strange beings
       That hide behind masks
       Of “Impossible tasks”,
       “Hurt gifted by trusted”
       “Uncharted paths” and more

I took some sadness too
       Those that clogs my being
       Colouring every embrace,
       Warm words of love
       And gifted bounties
       With cold clammy greys

And also those dreams
       The peek-a-boo beings
       That tempt with promise
       Of masterpieces in making
       But dissolve and disappear
       Before the artist in me can sculpt them

Mixing them all, I perfect a currency
Honoured everytime by one and all.
The coin I perceived

was mirth bubbling at challenges
Doled out generously,

by an frisky, irepressible life.

Monday, January 09, 2006


Alone I walked
Bereft of
Twinkle infusing friends.
And there I met
Hurt today…

Resplendent in finest
Silks and brocades
Bejewelled in
Unique stones,
It delicately sipped
A sparkling drink,
Ruby red, life giving…

Espying me,
It raised a toast
“Cheers…I salute you”
For, with every sigh
you nourished me
And now your breath
lives, entwined
With me…

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Your silence does not hurt
The hurt in your silence does.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

This moment

Emptiness gnaws the insides
             Once again
As I let go of your betrayal

             Once again

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Like Vine

Little by little
You blossom,
Gently sipping,
Sucking dry
My life.